Monday 23 May 2011

Planning For Assignment 4.

For this assignment I'm asked to produce 8 landscape photographs which all address, in different ways, a common theme.(The suggested themes begin water, earth, fire, air) Clearly here I'm given alot of scope to be able as creative as i can be, my first thought was keep things simple and just shot a range of images following one of these theme and then use some of the methods I'd studied in the last section say to alter the light conditions or change the feel of the weather. The problem being that i can't say i feel overly inspired by this idea, but then the other day i read an article that gave me a much better idea.

Below are some examples of images produced by a photographer call Abelardo Morell (photos taken from his website

He produces these images in a mix of old fashion camera obscura technique and digital photography, what he does is first is turn a room completely dark by covering all the windows except for a small whole which the light from outside travels through and projects the image onto the opposite wall (it originally appears upside down but by using a prism he corrects this) then he captures the effect using a modern camera. Basically its alot like the way our own eyes capture images, what makes his work so interesting is the combination of the rooms and views that he finds and combines. Lets take the final example where the outside garden has be projected onto the wall, here its like you have to look twice to decide which parts are in the room and which are in the garden because the house plants blend so well into the theme. I also like the way the texture of the walls adds another dimension to an already clever concept.

What I'm thinking of doing for this assignment is something along the same idea but using photoshop to place landscapes onto the walls of room, i want it to feel like I've brought the outside into the room but i still want it to feel natural so maybe there should be some association between the two scenes. I'll have to think more on this but i thinks there's a good starting idea here.

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