Sunday 1 May 2011

Erik Johansson.

His work is highly creative and appears to bend our idea of reality but yet his images appear very realistic. Not an easy balance to achieve but he does some how pull it off. Of the three examples i have here my favorite is the middle image where the woman appears to be painting in the sea but actually if you look closely you see she's actually painting a floor to a point but the blending of the images is that good that you'd hardly guess it wasn't a real shot. He says he gets his inspiration from what he sees around him in his daily life and his photography is his way to express the ideas he has in his mind, in that case he's either brilliant or completely insane because some of his work (which can be found at ) is really strange like one shot I've seen where he's got the ironing board out and is actually ironing himself! Its the kind of work that you look at and have to wonder how he did that, that's part of the appeal i think its the need to understand how these effects are created.

How his work relates to my essay I'd say is because his use of digital manipulation is about the limit of what I'd say is acceptable before it becomes something more then just photography, you may agree or you might say that its too much but what you can't argue against is that his work stands out in the field of modern digital photography.

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