Wednesday 4 May 2011

George Logan.

The best word to describe Logan's work would probably be surreal and in some parts i suppose a little comic. If you take the examples above for example you have a very pregnant statue on Easter Island, clearly not real but it does have a comical air about it. Next you have the plug hole in the road image which is much more believable than the other two but it is a little bit of a mystery to myself as to what he's trying to get across with this idea, could it be to do with the amount of water we waste? Hell i don't know i think I'm clutching at straws with this one. Finally I've used one of my favorite images of his where he's made it appear as if the lorry is trapped in the passing bubble, is it a piece of very good timing or has the bubble been add in post production? This is part of the appeal but the other would be the idea maybe behind it in that when you look at the surrounding landscape it appears green and clean but the one thing that can damage this environment is trapped away in its own little bubble.

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