Wednesday 4 May 2011

Gregory Crewdson.

Gregory Crewdson work is produced in a completely different manner to the other peoples that I've look at so far, where as they use alot of photoshop to produce theirs he does use some but his is more staged. He positions his subjects and then using lighting create these almost dream like images, some softening and colour alteration is add using photoshop but that's about as far as he goes. Clearly there's a different skill set needed to create these kind of shots but no less imagination then anyone else I've look at. As I've said its the dream like appearance of his work that makes it so eye catching but also his use of colours to build and reinforce the moods that he's creating. Out of the three examples of his work here my favorite has to be the middle shot with the child looking up into the light, it feels quiet mystical in away and really draws you in.

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