Sunday 1 May 2011

Joan Charmont.

The first two images here are probably some of her better work the rest like the last one are a little bit strange and if I'm honest some of her stuff is frankly a little scary. She says she gets a lot of inspiration from sci fi short stories and novel's, when you look at her work as a whole ( you can kind of see this because with some of it there's a very futuristic feel about it. On the other hand some of her images are a little off the wall and i wouldn't class as being a photo at all anymore even if they did start life in this way. Don't get me wrong there is merits to what she's doing and i really like the first image I've taken from her site but it's just i don't think her stile of work would fit into the essay i want to right, hers is more in keeping with the final theme. Its still helpful to look at the wide range of images people are creating these days because it shows how much more accepted these kind of images are now.

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