Friday 25 March 2011

Reflecting On Assignment 2.

I've now had my Tutor report back on my second assignment and he seems relatively pleased with what I've produced, the only point he highlighted was with my Paper image which he felt would have looked better if I'd lighten the shadows. I can see his point but i thought the strong shadows created by the side light gave what ordinarily would be a quiet normal straight forward shot more of a moody aspect. Below is the shot in question how i sent it to my tutor, judge for yourself if you feel it needs adjusting but i still like it how it is. During alot of the other course's I've done this seems to be an area where I'm regularly told that my work would look better if the shadows weren't so strong but i like this way of shooting and don't honestly see the problem. I supposes it's just one of the areas in photography where you can say it more a personal taste you either think it works or you don't.

Looking back now on the assignment as a whole I'd say it wasn't my best work mainly because it isn't a subject matter that I've ever found that appealing. I never that drawn to taking shots of people so it wasn't something that i had alot of experience in so in this way it was a useful learning tool but more than anything it just reinforced the idea that it isn't an area of photography that I'm that comfortable with or fine that i create very original photos when working in.

When looking at what i actually produced i do now wonder whether i could have found a more interesting background for my main body of work to sit in. What i mean is maybe i could have found something that actually related more to my daily life say somewhere i pass by everyday that i could then have placed my images into and would have had more of a meaning on the work as a whole (i know I'm rambling a little but i hope this makes sense).

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