Tuesday 1 March 2011

Project 14: Adding An Object.


Project 14 is a simple follow on from the previous project, now that I've learned how to select and highlight part of a image which in my case was the flower you see above its time to learn how to place this into a completely new image and make it appear as realistic as possible.

Original Photo.

The shot I've chosen for my new background was one i took last summer at the Magpie Mine in Derbyshire. The reason i went for this image was the simple fact that i thought i could produce something that would look very natural by just exchanging one flower for another. I know it isn't overly complicated or particular original but i wanted to keep it relatively simple for my first attempt.

With Flower Added.

Above you can see my final image and if i say myself i think its not bad at all. To begin with the first problem i had to resolve was the fact that the colours in the plant were far to strong which meant it didn't sit naturally within its new surroundings. This was quiet easily resolved by altering the hue/saturation settings so it appears more in sink with its surroundings. Next using the free transformation controls i re sized the flower so it was more to the size of its new background and it had to be aligned so that the original plant stork and the new flower stork fit together right. Finally it just need some work done with the clone stamp to remove the rest of the old flower from the background and also i wanted to add some of the little hairs that grow up the stork onto the new part connected to the flower, then i merged the two layers together and there you have the final image. While i was using the lone stamp i forgot to mention i also remove some of the grass from around the building because it made the shot feel a little untidy i felt.
I really enjoyed this project because its one of them ones where you put the time and effort in and the results speak for them self. There's something about creating something you know isn't real as in that's not how the scene originally appear but if done properly no one else should know.

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