Thursday 3 March 2011

Project 15: Adding A New Sky.

Original Image.


Combined Image.

In the final project in this section its kind of a repeat of project 14 but with a twist, this time you're asked to add a new sky to one of your own landscape shots. For the first part i had the perfect shot taken during the winter (see original image) it has a nice cold, empty almost lonely feel to it but the one thing that i felt let it down was the blue block created by the cloudless sky, what i would have like was a heavier even stormy sky to add a little drama to the pieces. At this point i must warn that my tutors in the past have mention that my landscape work can appear a little bit to over dramatic alot of the time because i do like a good stormy sky.
Next it was just the matter of getting a shot of a good sky that i felt could improve the image, my Clouds shot above was taken over Blitfield Reservoir just as the clouds were building to let lose one hell of a down pore. I chose to shot in this area because i wanted a large open space to work in that felt like it had a very big sky and i think i achieved this really well.
Now came the job of combining the two images, first i opened my cloud image which i then copied and pasted the original image over the top off (I'd already made sure they were both the same size so they 'd sit over one another nicely). Then using a reasonably size soft rubber i erased the sky in the original to reveal the new cloudy sky below taking great care along the horizon because if i wasn't careful this was the one place where you'd be able to tell that some alteration had taken place. Finally i flatten the two layers together and i was finished.
The combined image above shows the results of this process and again as with the previous project I'm very happy with the end results, the scale seems fine and as i said the only place where you might have been able to spot the merging of the two shots shows no signs of this.
Now its just a matter of putting all this work from this section to use in my next assignment.

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