Sunday 6 March 2011

Planning For Assignment 2.

The first thing i wanted to do in planning for my day in the life image was to have a little more of a play around with layers and some of the effects that can be produced. In my tutors notes on my first assignment he had included a very useful link to a site which takes you through the process of creating some different effects, the ones i chose to have ago at were creating a grunge effect frame and the king of the jungle image.

With the grunge effect frame above it was a matter of creating a blank file and then using layers and brush work to get the final effect how you wanted it. I will not go into detail but if you want to see the process in full follow the link on this page that says 25 photoshop effects. I like the effect but I'm not certain the photo suits it that well as it makes the image feel a little constrained.

The other process i attempted was the king of the jungle image, here you had to collect together all the different pieces such as the painting of Napoleon, the lions head and the skull in my version above and then using layers and blending effects combine them into the final version above. I did find that some of the pieces weren't available anymore and unfortunately some of the stages in the walk though i couldn't complete because I'm using a different software package to what they used but overall i think i manage to produce a very convincing image, this i found a lot of fun to do even though on first reading the walk through i felt it was going to be a really pain in the backside to do.

To get some idea at how other people have approached this assignment i had a look online and discovered a few examples. First i looked at Eileen Raffertys blog Photosynthesis ,here she gone for very small self portraits picking out individual characteristics of herself during a day. An interesting approach but a little lost on me on how this showed she'd used any of the methods learnt in the course up to this point.

Next i found on flickr an image much more in keeping with what I'm thinking about attempting, here the person had used a combination of images of things they do during a day and thinks that have a meaning in there everyday life to produce a single image. I like the way they used the windows to show a completely different scene but the blending is really good and you can hardly tell its been add other then the fact it isn't a scene you'd ever see out of a window. I also looked at her inspiration which was Jeff Walls A View from a Apartment, i like the idea of taking shots from a single camera position and them combining them into one believable photo.

The final image i look at went for a very minimalist approach in that it only used three images to illustrate the idea of a day in the life, with this one i loved the way the shots had been blended together on the background even down to the reflections in the lower half of the frame but i did feel that maybe it could have done with a few more shots to illustrate the theme.

I got so interesting idea now to start building my own image and I'm looking forward to seeing what i produce, to be honest i feel that a collection maybe 5-10 images would work best for me so what I'm planning to do is chose a subject and then follow that person through out the day so i can capture the parts of the day which best show what this person is like. I've already found a good background which I'm planning to use its a door with some posts stuck to it, all i got to do is work out a way to get the texture of the paper to come through in my photographs maybe using layers and some of the blending options that I've looked at in previous projects but that will be probably a little bit of trial and error.

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