Tuesday 1 February 2011

Planning for Assignment 1.

The first part of this assignment is to take shots which capture the feel of the current season, the problem for me is that the current season is winter and it isn't a time of year that i get a lot of inspiration from. When i think about winter the words that come to mine are thinks like dark,damp,cold,empty,lonely don't get me wrong we do get bright crisp winter days but not on a regular basis it's more fog and rain so how I'm supposed to capture these feeling I'm not 100% sure. Know if we were in spring it'd be a completely different matter as i love capturing life and colour returning to the countryside all around but winter just doesn't work for me.

For the second part of the assignment which is to select 4 of my photos and then digital manipulate them so that you end up with a set of images for each photos that appear to be shot in the different seasons i have a much better idea of what to do. Below is a set of photos i took of the same scene over the period of a year.




When studying these images i can see how the colours change during the seasons, what i mean is that in the spring the colour cast produced by the natural light appears to be a little on the colour side leaning towards being a bit green while in the summer its a lot warmer and then it begins to cool again during the autumn until in the winter its really blue in colour. Then i can study how the foliage alters and changes colour during the seasons meaning that when i come to manipulating my wok for this assignment i now know how to make it appear more seasonal.

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