Saturday 26 February 2011


In project 11 it mentions a piece of software call Photomatix which i have had and been playing around with for a little while now. You use Photomatix to produce HDR image (high dynamic range), this is basically when you take three or more shot of the same scene capturing the full range of shadows and highlights by over and under exposing the images. Then the software takes your images and then combines them to produce a single image, of course it offers you sliders to be able to fine tune the results to your liking but this means it can become a time consuming process and you might never get it just right.

Above are a few examples of the sort of stuff that I've managed to produce using it (all above are just three frames combined), what I've discovered is that its best used under overcast conditions when you don't feel you can capture the true colours you're after and its also quiet useful if there's a lot of heavy shadow in the scene. One draw back i find with this process is that your images tend if you're not careful when playing with the colours to have a very orange or pink colour cast to them but this can be avoided if keep the saturation turned down. Overall its something that i enjoyed using and plan to play with some more in the future to discover its limitations.

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