Monday 14 February 2011

Edward Burtynsky.

I discover his work while reading an article about his career so far and found that i liked the ideas he's trying to get across to the viewer. What he focuses on is using large scale images to show how human activity is shaping our landscapes through heavy industry such as mining operations,refuse sites and factories. Its the environmental side of his work that i think most attracted me because i share the view that the more people are made aware of the damage we are doing to the environment the more we'll strive to fix the problems we're creating. One of my favorite pieces of his work is actually a relatively recent one taken in the gulf of Mexico (its called oil spill 13 on his site) if you didn't know what you were looking at you'd actually think it's quite beautiful but then you read the title and are shocked to discover that its an oil slick seen from above. I also like his images taken in a tire recycling dump because again they have this strange quality where although you know what you're looking at, the flow and pattern to the piles of tire give it a very eye catching effect.

You can see more of his work by following the link below

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