Sunday 17 April 2011

Another Look At Assignment 2.

When i wrote before about what i produced for my second assignment i did say that i wasn't overly happy with the end product and at some point would return to it to have a second attempt. What follows below is the image i produced this time and a few different versions of it where i experimented with effects and layering techniques. As with my first attempt this was produced using layers to place photos within the main image, a small amount of eraser tool was used around the light fitting so as the image on the ceiling only appeared to be there and not over the top of the light as well and i also used the clone stamp around the edges of the ceiling to extend the shot right to the point where the walls and ceiling meet. As with my original attempt i also used alot of overlay in the layers so that for example in the ghostly image on the bed you get the texture of the material below showing through giving it a more believable feel. With this image again I'm illustrating my day with the main image showing me leaving for work while the small frame shows me getting up, the large frame in the middle shows what i do for a living and the large frame on the right shows me realizing after work with a paper. I also added the image on the ceiling because i felt this gave it the kind of feel that what you're looking at is almost a dream with me looking down from above (maybe not to you but that's my view on it) plus this is almost reflected in the ghostly image actually on the bed. I know this is a little difficult to spot but its there. I'm alot happier with this shot i think because it isn't as straight forward as my first attempt its the kind of shot where you have to look at it a few times before you've taken it all in, i know it still isn't perfect by any means maybe you could say its a little too busy but I'd say its an improvement.

The above images I've basically had a little bit of a play around with just to see how i could effect the feel of the shot, the first is a straight forward black and white conversion this i think gives it a more moody feel but you loss the image on the bed as it blends that well with the background. The second image i produced using the photocopy filter to create an outline of the photo, can't really put my finger on why i liked this effect but i knew when i saw the results that it was one I'd have to keep. The only draw back to the photocopied image was its lack of colour so to fix this i layered underneath the original colour image and then setting the layer effect to luminosity played around with the opacity until i was happy with the results. The only downside to this effect is that they don't appear very realistic obviously and one of the aims of the assignment was to avoid creating something that was total unbelievable but i felt they need to be included so as to highlight that I'm more then willing to play around with the software to find interesting effects.

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